This is a translation of a recent speech by the President of Uganda, who addressed his nation, warning them of their irresponsible behavior regarding the corona virus.
"God has a lot of work to do. He has to look at the system of the whole world. He doesn't have enough time to just sit here in Uganda and take care of fools."
In times of war, no one asks anyone to stay indoors. You are confined to your homes. If you have a basement, you limit yourself until the situation improves. In the days of war, you You do not demand freedom. You sacrifice your freedom for the sake of your life. You do not complain of "hunger" during war.
You go hungry in the hope that if there is life, then you will go out and eat. You don't ask to open your own business during the war. You close your shop. If he has time, he prays that he will escape the war and come back and resume business, provided that the shop has not been looted or destroyed by mortar shells.
It is an invisible and cruelly effective army. Its purpose is solely and exclusively "death." His stomach will be satisfied by making the whole world a field of death ... and his ability to achieve this goal is beyond doubt. It is present in almost every country in the world. Its movement is not subject to any rules of war. In short, it is a "law" in itself. It is also called COVID-19. Because it has started its destruction in 2019.
"God has a lot of work to do. He has to look at the system of the whole world. He doesn't have enough time to just sit here in Uganda and take care of fools."
In times of war, no one asks anyone to stay indoors. You are confined to your homes. If you have a basement, you limit yourself until the situation improves. In the days of war, you You do not demand freedom. You sacrifice your freedom for the sake of your life. You do not complain of "hunger" during war.
You go hungry in the hope that if there is life, then you will go out and eat. You don't ask to open your own business during the war. You close your shop. If he has time, he prays that he will escape the war and come back and resume business, provided that the shop has not been looted or destroyed by mortar shells.
During the war you thank Allah every new day that He kept you alive for another day. During the war you do not worry at all that your children are not going to pray that The government forcibly recruited them within the boundaries of the same school. Which has now been turned into a military depot. Do not call for military training.
The world is at war right now. A war that is being fought without guns and bullets. A war in which there are no soldiers. A war that has no borders - a war in which there is no hope of a ceasefire agreement - a war in which there is no "war room" for war planning. The army fighting in this war is ruthless. There is absolutely no element of human sympathy in it. There is no place for children, women or places of worship in its heart. This army is indifferent to the ravages of war. He has no interest in changing the government or the system of government. He has no interest in the mineral resources available underground. Rather, he has absolutely no interest in religion, sect or any particular ideological domination. The superiority of a particular race is not its goal.
It is an invisible and cruelly effective army. Its purpose is solely and exclusively "death." His stomach will be satisfied by making the whole world a field of death ... and his ability to achieve this goal is beyond doubt. It is present in almost every country in the world. Its movement is not subject to any rules of war. In short, it is a "law" in itself. It is also called COVID-19. Because it has started its destruction in 2019.
Thank God this army has some weaknesses. And it can be defeated. It requires our collective action, organization and tolerance. COVID-19 cannot survive in social distances. It can only thrive if you come in contact with it and confront it. It likes confrontation. It is a form of collective social and physical distance. I surrender. It succumbs to the principles of hygiene. It becomes completely crippled. When you take your destiny into your own hands and "sanitize" them as much as possible.
This is not the time to cry for bread and butter like stubborn children. We know that we are told in the Bible that man cannot live on bread alone. Let us be obedient and follow the instructions of the Creator.Let's flatten the arc of COVID-19. Show patience. Very soon we will regain our freedom, social and business life.Let's flatten the arc of COVID-19. Show patience. Very soon we will regain our freedom, social and business life.During an emergency - we understand the importance of serving others and loving others - and act on it.May Allah be your supporter and helper.No one has made such a comprehensive and intellectual speech about the corona virus. Greetings to this great leader.
This is not the time to cry for bread and butter like stubborn children. We know that we are told in the Bible that man cannot live on bread alone. Let us be obedient and follow the instructions of the Creator.Let's flatten the arc of COVID-19. Show patience. Very soon we will regain our freedom, social and business life.Let's flatten the arc of COVID-19. Show patience. Very soon we will regain our freedom, social and business life.During an emergency - we understand the importance of serving others and loving others - and act on it.May Allah be your supporter and helper.No one has made such a comprehensive and intellectual speech about the corona virus. Greetings to this great leader.
God has a lot of work to do. He has to look at the system of the whole world.
Reviewed by Anonymous
May 06, 2020

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